Remote networks size study during world health crisis




In order to study the size of a french conurbation sewage networks, the DTU2 standalone PLC was presented to the SEMERU FAYAT Group Executives who highlighted two major benefits of using this connected solution.

On one hand, important savings by limiting the number of technicians on the field,  and on the other hand, an unparalleled responsiveness allowing daily monitoring of the performance of each measuring chain.

By mutual agreement with Hydreka’s technical service, the decision was taken to install more than 90 measuring chains (80 % Height / Velocity, 20 % correlated height) in the conurbation’s networks.

Solutions & Results

Due to the COVID-19 health crisis and the lockdown, the technicians were no longer able to operate on site. The advantages of this standalone PLC have been highlighted during this unprecedented event.

By using the DTU2, on-site operations were lowered as SEMERU engineers were able to keep working remotely, and on a daily basis, verify and approve data from the measuring chains located hundred kilometres away. To characterize the results and in addition to Height, Velocity and Flow data, the engineers were also guided through « Signal performance », « Growth », « Temperature » information.

During these very special times, rainy events were observed and analysed in real time. Thanks to this new generation of standalone PLC, weekly reports were submitted to the Project Leader with proof of accurate information.

The feedback rate of the information provided by the measuring chains was 92 % on average throughout the study. In order to enhance the  results, the project managers were able to adjust the settings if needed, without any travel on site. 

Feedback & Perspectives

The convincing outcomes and several operating benefits brought by this technology, led this customer as well as various Engineering companies to think about moving towards a more significant use of this connected solution for future studies. 

Find out more about the DTU2 standalone PLC by clicking HERE


Our commitment to the European project ARISTO


The European Industry - Academia Network for

RevIsing and Advancing the Assessment of the Soil Microbial TOxicity of Pesticides

HYDREKA is proud to announce its participation to the European project ARISTO, through its BU Environmental Expertise (ARISTO website coming soon).

This project is an ITN-EID project (Innovative Training Network / European Industry-Academy network) which aims to train the next generation of Microbial Ecotoxicologists and to generate benchmarking knowledge for the development of advanced tools to accurately assess the toxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms. It involves 7 universities and 9 companies in 8 countries. 9 PhD students will be trained and will collaborate in this dense network.


The project, coordinated by Pr Karpouzas from the University of Thessaly, Greece, will confront the beneficial impact for some microbes (yang) and detrimental impact for other microbes (yin) (and all shades between them) of pesticides towards soil and water microbial communities as shown on the figure below. Microbes are an essential part of the ecosystem allowing fertilization of the soil and plants to grow. The pesticide use have profound impact at every microbial level, from the viruses to the fungi and small predators. ARISTO will develop new knowledge and tools needed to understand and evaluate this Yin/Yang balance. This will be done by studying communities with growing complexities from small mock (few organisms) communities to real soils communities. 

Ultimately, ARISTO will have an influence on the European regulation towards in-use and new compounds release allowing us to participate in making a healthier, cleaner and safer environment for everybody, everywhere.


Figures are courtesy of Pr KARPOUZAS

As an industrial partner, HYDREKA will codirect one of the PhD student, with Pr Chatnizotas from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany. Specifically, the student will unravel the pesticide interactions on the different trophic levels, including bacteria, predatory microbes (e.g., protists) and viruses. In this frame, lab microcosm studies (small images of the soil ecosystem) of different complexities will be established. The responses of interacting trophic levels upon pesticide exposure and the cascading effects on the dynamics, diversity and adaptation of both predator and prey levels and on related soil ecosystem functions will be followed.

HYDREKA Business Unit Environmental Expertise will bring its expertise in setting up microcosms and in assessing microbial communities following specific genes (degradation genes) through the communities and through the latest sequencing technologies (second and third generation) revealing the full soil gene contents. The evaluation of soil health and soil health restauration are tools that we wish to develop in this network.